Ethos & Student Support/Counseling Guidance Service/Service Profile

Counseling Guidance Service



  1. Cope with the School’s annual focus on “Cultivating students’ good character and values” and thus to implement related counseling activities and to improve students’ psychological quality as well as their behaviours through the principles of perseverance, initiative, cooperation, independent thinking and self- discipline.
  2. Provide therapeutic counseling services through casework and group work to help students overcome difficulties in learning, emotions and behaviours.
  3. Initiate parent volunteers and parent activities to enhance the effectiveness of positive parenting, parent-child communication skills and knowledge, and develop good partnership with parents to help students grow healthily.
  4. Develop the Personal Growth Education Curriculum to boost students’ interpersonal relationship and build a caring and acceptance culture in school.
  5. Assist the school to set up a systematic school-based counseling policy, and establish a collaborative relationship with teachers to take care of students with different learning needs.

School social worker:

Hello, I am Kitty,the school social worker. I believe that every person is unique, I cater to the needs of every student and strive to help them reach their full potentials.Acceptance, non-judgmental attitude, active listening and empathy are important elements in a helpful relationship. You are not alone, let me walk into your life and we overcome the challenges of growth together.
Tel:2984 1766


  • Life Leadership Group

Through group activities, students understand more about themselves, develop their leadership skills, discipline, sense of responsibility, and enhance their social and communication skills.



  • Junior Social Group

Through table games, online games, social stories and mind reading, we enhance the initiative of junior primary students in communicating with their teachers and peers, and improve their emotional control and social skills.



  • Senior Social Group

Through games and arts, we enhance the social skills, social etiquette and communication skills of senior primary students in different social situations, cultivate good social attitudes and build positive social experiences.




  • Friendship Wall Activity

Students took photos with their best friends and wrote sharing cards to build a friendly culture on campus and promote the positive value of mutual support among students and friends.


  • Thanksgiving Event

Through sharing and displaying, students were encouraged to express their gratitude to their families, teachers and friends, and to cultivate the value of gratitude and appreciation for blessings to enhance their sense of well-being.







  • Positive Education Parent Talk

Through sharing and discussion, parents will have a better understanding of positive education and how to use positive psychology to build positive emotions in their children and help children to engage in life.