Library/Opening Hour & Rules

Rules of Borrowing for Pupils in the Library

1.     Library materials can be borrowed for a period of 14 days.

2.     Once library material is returned, lending may be extended for a further period of 14 days unless it has been reserved by another borrower.

3.     A charge of HK$0.50 per day will be made for overdue library materials.

4.     Each student may borrow a maximum of five books or multimedia items.

5.    Borrowers should not lend or transfer his/her “Smart Card” to any other person.

6.     Borrowers must report the loss of his/her library card to the General Office ASAP.

7.     Unless a “Smart Card” has been reported lost in writing, the card holder will be held responsible for any library material issued on it.

8.     Borrowers should, before leaving the library, ensure that any library material issued to him/her is complete and undamaged.

9.     Borrowers are required to compensate the library material for any lost or damaged items based on the purchased price.

10.   Please return books punctually, please pay attention to the due date shown on the return sheet.

11.   Further borrowing of books is not allowed until any outstanding fines are paid.

12.   Borrowers should, before leaving the Library, present the books to be inspected by the librarian before checking out.

13.  Borrowers should, before graduation or mid-term break, return all articles borrowed before leaving.


We hope that parents will encourage their children to make the best use of the resources in the library and to borrow books frequently so as to foster good reading habits.